Project: Dashboard Alluagro

Category: Web

Dashboard Alluagro

Dashboard Alluagro


The company can see every machine available posted through another mobile app (built afterwards), follow metrics of the announcements, both for machines as well as for farms needing machine related jobs. It allowed to track progress of each negotiation as well as to track special kinds of reservations where the user could request direct monitoring of the broker company to improve job results. Integration with external API to provide users Farm product prices on Brazil's market.

Used Tech

  •  TypeScript

  •  React

  •  ChakraUI

  •  Firebase

  •  Apexcharts

  •  Nookies

  •  Swiper

  •  React-beautiful-dnd

  •  Google Places Autocomplete

  •  React Toasts

  •  Expo Notifications


  •  Login (2 different user types - Admin / Maintainer. Role based access)

  •  Charts to monitor Customer announcements - full filtering access.

  •  Table to add,delete, modify, monitor status (done/doing/planned)

  •  Page Customers - Add, delete, show, summary data of each customer the platform, including users on mobile app.

  •  Page Machines - Add, delete, show, summary data of each customer machine announced on the platform, including announcements made on mobile app.

  •  Page Production Areas - Add, delete, show, summary data of each customer production area announced on the platform, including announces made on mobile app.

  •  Page Quotations - Show API data containing data of farm commodities to the users.

  •  Page Sales Pipe - Show sales on different status enabling admin user to modify sale data and status.

  •  Page Management - Kanban board with tasks of the signed in user. (Backlog, Doing, Done), Addition/exclusion/modification of task data.

  •  Page Docs - follow documents attached to each sale approved.

  •  Page Monitoring - Monitor specific sale done concurrently with its completion (for premium sales)

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