Project: Alluagro Mobile

Category: Mobile

Alluagro Mobile


This mobile app (iOS and Android) - allowed users to do the full range of actions such (add machine for renting, add farm for a person with a machine reserve the job, add a partner ad - the partners were basically companies that can provide maintenance for machines). They can also receive notifications sent through the dashboard to a specific or all users or a non-registered user. Integration with external API to provide users Farm product prices on Brazil's market.

Used Tech

  •  TypeScript

  •  React-Native

  •  Expo - Bare Workflow

  •  Styled-Components

  •  Firebase

  • Camera Native (Android/iOS)

  • React-navigation

  • Image-crop-picker

  • Sentry

  • React-native-reanimated

  • React-native-google-places-autocomplete

  • React-hook-form

  • React-Query

  • Open Weather Api

  • Expo Location

  • Expo Notifications



    Login + Social login - Google, AppleID (3 different user types - Machine Owner / Farmland Owner / Partner Company. Role based access)

  • Machines Feed - List of All machines announced by other users. Filters by any Machine characteristics. Open Machine Details. Make a Machine reservation based on period of the year which that machine is not being used (by another user or by the advertiser).

  • Production Area Feed - List of All production areas announced by other users. Filters by any Production Area characteristics. Open Area Details. Make a area reservation based on period of the year which that area is available to be worked on (selected by the advertiser).

  • Partners Feed - List o all Partners Announcements. Companies Listed with its contacts that provide services to machines or production areas.

  • Quotation Screen - List of All prices of farmland brazillian commodities for the day.

  • Edit - User data, picture.

  • Notifications tab. (Sent by the app admins)

  • Share Announcements

  • Communicate with the company through WhatsApp

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